In the past, quality small businesses thrived on marketing strategies as simple as yellow-page listings and word of mouth recommendations. Some added vehicle advertising by placing graphics on their cars, and maybe some other forms of print marketing.
But, like it or not, the internet and advent of social media and thriving e-commerce has permanently changed the way small businesses even in the service industries do business.
People looking for a service are now as likely and more so to do an internet search than ask friends and family for recommendations. Furthermore, of the vast majority of individuals who rely on the internet to find a business or service, over 80% of them will trust online reviews as much or more than in person references, and over 80% of them will only look on the first page of search results before making their choice.
If small businesses don’t get on board with updating their marketing strategies to encompass the various forms of digital marketing, the consequences will be rather dire. At best, they will struggle along, just surviving, and at worst they will be forced to close their doors.
For those who recognize this reality, there are typically two responses.
The first is to feel overwhelmed and frustrated. The interworkings of the internet and digital media and marketing are so outside the realm of what you do on a daily basis for your business, it feels like an irrelevant waste of time, even though you know it is vital. Your frustration is understandable, but is only going to hinder your progress.
The second common response on the part of small business owners is to feel challenged to rise to the task and take on digital marketing for themselves. Since most small business owners have had to be a sort of one-person show in many respects, this is a natural response. But nothing could be more detrimental to your business’s marketing success.
You do not have to go it alone! In fact, there are many good reasons why you should not attempt doing digital marketing yourself but should rather partner with a quality digital marketing company.
Below, we want to share five of those reasons with you.
The first and biggest reason why you should not attempt tackling digital marketing on your own is because of its sheer complexity. Getting your business out there digitally is much more than creating a website or placing a couple of online advertisements.
Furthermore, each form of digital marketing is often in and of itself immensely complicated. To make the point clearer, here is a brief description of just 6 different forms of digital marketing:
Clearly, the realm of digital marketing is quite large and very complex. The natural consequence of that fact is that it requires a great deal of expertise to create and maintain successful digital marketing strategies, which is the second reason why you need to work with a digital marketing company.
Besides the sheer number of digital marketing options, there is the fact that individual methods, such as SEO and social media marketing, can be quite complicated on their own. There are entire companies devoted to just SEO strategies. Properly executing these methods requires expertise.
Furthermore, things never stay the same in the digital marketing world. Search engine algorithms change, software and programs are updated, and new ones are created that replace the old ones. It takes an expert to use these softwares and applications, all the more to keep up with the almost daily changes.
Finally, since much of these marketing strategies rely on the written word, it is also imperative to have expert writing and language skills. The inability to clearly articulate your service to potential customers, or the presence of errors in the content can very quickly lose a potential customer’s attention and respect.
The third reason you need to partner with a professional digital marketing company in Australia is probably apparent by now—to maintain numerous effective digital advertising strategies and develop the appropriate level of expertise to execute them well would demand an enormous amount of time.
No business owner, big or small, has the time to devote to these efforts, and probably does not have the manpower to do so either. You cannot do your primary job and have time to manage successful marketing. But if you do not have good digital marketing, you will have less clientele, and could even lose the business completely.
You can’t live without digital marketing, but you don’t have the time to do your job if you manage your marketing yourself. It is an impossible predicament as long as you resist working with a professional company.
Finally, the fourth reason that you should partner with a digital marketing company is because of the numerous benefits.
Partnering with a company will first take care of the issues of expertise and time. A digital marketing team will have members with the necessary expertise for the various strategies in all of their complexity. Instead of marketing efforts taking away from your time and the reason you are in business in the first place, you can pass it on to some whose full-time job and concern it is.
But in addition to these benefits are many others.
For instance, when you work with a digital marketing company, such as ourselves, you will have a much more precise and targeted marketing campaign. Your advertising efforts will be hitting audiences that are more likely to convert into loyal buying customers.
Additionally, digital marketing companies like us also have the ability to offer analytics and tracking. This enables you to see the direct results of the various campaigns, how much traffic they generate and how many conversions there are as a result.
This means that you will be able to see how effective, or ineffective, the strategies are and be able to see how it relates directly to profit. Your return on investment will not be a mystery, but a clearly seen result. Nothing will be able to help you perfect your strategy better or have greater peace of mind.
If you are looking for a digital marketing company, Australia is our home and we would be proud of the opportunity to help your Australia-based business succeed through digital marketing. Contact us today to learn more about our services!